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Going To Catholic Mass For The First Time

Going To Catholic Mass For The First Time – 5 Things You Should Know

Source: Catholic

Going To Catholic Mass For The First Time – 5 Things You Should Know , Are you going to a Catholic church for friends wedding, child dedication, baptism, funeral, or any other events. Here are some things that you should put in mind before going to a Catholic church.Going To Catholic Mass For The First Time

The Catholic church is called the most organized association or institution in the world because of the way they do things. In the church there is a time when you knee and a time when you stand. So if you are going for the first time, here are Five (5) things you should know,


1. The Catholics don’t eat in the Church

If you are going to the Catholic church for the first time, make sure you don’t eat anything while you are inside the church.

The Catholics don’t eat in the church because they believe that God is right at the alter and eating in the church is like disrespecting God.

2. The Catholics don’t wear trousers or mini skirt to church;

The Catholic church does not allow trousers in the church, but if you are a visitor you will permitted to wear trousers. Wearing mini skirt can never be permitted in the Catholic church even if you are a visitor.

3. The Catholic church don’t answer calls in the church;

When entering a Catholic church make sure your phones are on silence or vibration, because you won’t be allowed to answer calls in the church.

  1. In the Catholic church there is a time when you can to our and when you can’t go out. So before the entering the Catholic church make sure you are well prepared.

5. The Holy Communion is not given to non-Catholics;

If you are a protestants, you can receive the holy communion in the Catholic church, the church Warderns and the Catchiest will be the one to stop you and they will definitely ask you some questions which you won’t be able to answer.

So it will be better to just sit and pray with them.

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